Sunday, October 19, 2008

Insert witty apropriately ashamed title here

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. We have been very busy and many changes have happened in our lives lately. First, we are prego!!! Yes, really we are. If you want to see a video of Mike's reaction to this click here. Second, Mike has a new job, that's right he's left the church. He now works at a company called bluehost. If you would like to see a video of him preparing for his first day of work, click here (trust me it's funny). Third, we are in a new house! Most of you probably know this. But just in case. Sorry, no video of anything having to do with Mike and the new house.

Isabel is growing up so much, her newest thing is to babble endlessly and even say a few words. She yells for Phoebe, our cat, the whole day. "Peeebeeeee", it's so cute! She also says Grandpa, Grandma and the equivalent in Portuguese. Camila was surprised when she showed a picture with all four and Isabel proceeded to name them all without any prompting! She also enjoys singing and dancing. Sing any song to her, like "head shoulders knees and toes" or your favorite primary song and she will sing something babbleish back at you and top it off with some applause for a grand finale "Yaaaaayyy".

She is such a darling little girl. Admittedly we can't wait till she is old enough to go to nursery, but we are loving this cute active period of her life. Anyway to end this post, and given the amount of foolery that has gone into it, we would like to supply evidence of our with childness. For those of you who didn't get the videos, click here(this is not another video).


Jessie said...

WOW!! You guys are going to have another baby!!!! Congrats!!! How exciting that I'm gonna get another cute baby cousin!!! You guys must be so happy, and I loved the videos. Haha, it took me while to get it. Lots of love and congrats again :)

Emily said...

Oh no! I've been rickrolled, twice! Seriously, only that could be funny to Mike. I'm so glad you are back on track with the blog, but, I need to see a lot more pictures to be truly satisfied. congrats on everything, you guys have had quite year!

Jaimee said...

YEA!! I'm so excited for you guys. Now you can be caught up with us. Let's go to dinner soon.

Winnow D. Asael said...

I'm very excited to play with little Isabel at Thanksgiving! I will bring you a composter, maybe, if I can fit it on the plane. Congrats on the bun in the oven!!

Barbara said...

PARABENS pela gravidez!!!!q delicia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Que legal q vc tem tb tenho um...assim a gente ve foto das nossas Bebelles neh???ela ta linda Camila!!
um bjao procs...

Sara said...

Hi Camila And Mike--I'm not sure if you remember me, but we were in the BYU 199th Ward together for a few months. My husband is Rob, last name Steed. So, I just wanted to say, "hi!" I've been waiting for a new post for a while, and in the meantime, have forgotten how I came across your blog.

But anyways--congrats on your great news! When are you due? Your daughter is SO cute!

Mike and Kristin said...

Hey that's the first time I have ever been rickrolled. It's pretty funny. Mike you might not remember this but Denise had this tape and listened to Rick often. Denise does that video make you dreamy?

The Bryan's said...

Congratulations!!!! Enjoy Isabel as much as you can, sleep a lot, have lots of fun while you can. The first month with a new baby and a toddler is pretty hard. At least for me...I do love my kiddos!!!!

Helga said...

By the way, that is the craziest post I have read in my life hehehehe... Crazier than my piece of Crap (or poop to be nicer) poem :) I loved seeing you guys! Bel is SO CUTE!!! Anyways, I'll have to call you guys with some updates... Yeah, in one day things changed hehehe. Love you!

Kika VilaNova said...

PARABÉNS na gravidez!!!! Helga tinha me dito e eu queria ter te visitado quando ela vaio aqui!! Será que vai ser um meninão agora? :)

precisamos nos ver em breve :)


mccollaum fam said...

Mike, Camilla and Kristin--the video did make me dreamy. My kids were all sitting around laughing at me for enjoying the song so much! Your family is soo cute. We love you guys! Can't wait to see you next summer??