Friday, July 4, 2008

House Photos

Mike bought me a camera this week (we used to take pictures with our video camera), so we went to our new house to get some pictures. Would you like a tour?

That's just the first one. Go to the flickr site to see the rest!


Mike and Kristin said...

It looks great! How wonderful to have your own home to settle into. It's so nice to actually have a back yard.

Amy Wilson said...

hey, your house looks a lot like ours, actually. lol. just the basic construction. i mean, you can tell it's an ivory.

Mike said...

I think your house looks grassier than ours Amy....

Emily said...

I was gonna say it looks like Amy and Brian's too! It good to finally see some pictures! I'm so excited for you guys!

Winnow D. Asael said...

I'll just speak for all of us California people when I say that we're gobsmacked at how much house you can get for your money! If you transported this to my neighborhood, it would cost 3.5 million. You think I'm joking. No. Enjoy your new house!