Thursday, August 23, 2007


When Isabel was born, I think Mike sent everyone a link to where you could see her pictures. I just wanted to let you guys know that we are adding pictures to that site all the time (I just can't help taking pictures when she does all the cute things she does - lots of sleeping pics though, she is just adorable when she sleeps!). Well, here is the link in case you need it again:
The picture on the side is a little sneak-peek of what Mike did to Isabel when she was sleeping like a rock (she is a great sleeper by the way) and he was bored. It's too cute though, and even I thought it was worth bugging her a little. Oh, the bear was given to her by my dad the first day he saw her. He had just flown in from Colombia with a connection in Atlanta, hence the Georgia bear.


Mike said...

Amazing, my wife is a blogger....

Mike and Kristin said...

I love her little hands! Oh such a sweet little thing. I'm very excited that you have joined the throng. It gives me encouragement when other family members are blogging too. Thanks for joining the ranks.

Amy Wilson said...

haha...she's folding her hands. that's cute.