Another issue that always brought some cultural disagreement to our household was gun ownership. I told Mike I did not want a gun in the house. I don't believe it's safe to have one with little ones in the house (or even teenagers for that matter). We used to also have long silly arguments over that.
One day Mike said he would be ok with me piercing the girls' ears if he could have a gun. After much talking over the matter, I agreed. Well, I still didn't like the idea of having a gun in the house, so I also just kinda chickened out on the idea of piercing our girls' ears. We dropped the topic and haven't talked much about it since Sophia was born.
Last Saturday I decided just out of the blue to go get both Isabel's and Sophia's ears pierced. I called my sister to go with me to help out because Mike had to work (thanks for coming along, Mari, you were great!). It was easier than I thought. After very little crying, this is the result (sorry the pictures aren't great, but they never hold still!).
Might I also add that Isabel has been asking for earrings ever since she got her dress up chest from vovo for Christmas. It came with 2 pairs of clip on earrings, but they didn't stay on well enough for her taste, so she'd been saying she wanted earrings like mom's.
Oh, I almost forgot... Mike thinks they look adorable with earrings! : )
They are so adorable!
Super cute!! But does this mean that you guys get a gun now!? :)
Cute cute cute! Dave and I actually talked about this already and he thinks it's a good idea to get them when they're babies. I was shocked to hear this but pleased none the less. I'm still a little unsure though that's when Dave said not to worry because we were going to have all boys anyway... He's so sweet that husband of mine lol. Oh and David already has a gun with a lock on it and i make him put it in his closet in the office where I don't have to look at it or think about it lol.
Debora, Mike hasn't really mentioned a gun in a while... I don't think he'll get one any time soon. There are other more important things that we need before he get a gun
I hated guns too. But being married to a police officer kind of changes your mind. Now even when we go out I expect him to have it one him. The girls look cute with their ear rings.
Ficaram lindas!!!!
eu furei as orelhas da Luiza na maternidade como todo brasileiro...hehehe
So cute!!! As duas! :)
Rata! I finally found your blog, I knew you had one, asked for the URL but you never gave it to me, Im happy I found it!!! I loved going with you =) and they look adorable with their earrings!
camila vc tem blog tb! yaaay! eu percebi hj q a bebel tava de brinquinho... q liiiiiiiinda! ela fica cada dia mais charmozinha! hj a gente tava testando pra ver se ela sabia nossos nomes, e ela nao sabia o meu nem o da rosana, mas ela apontou pro gu e disse: "cuquinha!" como q ela sabe??? foi a coisa maaaaaaais linda!!!
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