Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We bought a house!

Hey everyone! Ummm, we bought a house. I wish I had more pictures of it, but for now I will just include a link to their site. Pay no attention to the price, that's definitely not what we are paying for it. Here are a few links:

MLS listing

View Larger Map

If you go to the larger google map you can click on street view and cruise around our neighboorhood. Ours is the house under construction with the guys working on it. We will close on the house in 90 days to give us some time to sell our condo.


Ryan said...

Congratulations on the house!!! I am so jealous! We are so sad to see you guy moving but are so happy for you. You guys are the best of friends, we love you guys! Good thing me and Mike are such nerds, we can stay connected with all our nerdy devices :-)

Mike said...

Apparently the link I have there doesn't work. Blogger won't let me edit the link, so here's one that works: MLS Listing

Winnow D. Asael said...

Wow! Well, now you're going to have a yard and grass and everything! must be excited!

Emily said...

Awesome, can't wait to see it!

mccollaum fam said...

Great news guys! And it looks like a great location! Mom and Dad will be happy to have you so close!

I have to say that you guys are the cutest parents! (Except for when Mike can't even remember his only child's birthday!) Isabel certainly does not suffer from neglect, I can tell from your cute videos! And those cute noises she makes...who did she inherit that from!! :) Love you guys!

ps-Camilla is always wanting news news news, well we have a LOT of it on our blog update now! Come visit our spot!
-P,D,J,P,N,R,and P

Amy Wilson said...

whoah, i thought it would take camila a while before she found the perfect house, but congratulations! hahaha. that's cool. camilla will have her garden up way before mine, I just know it. i do have some sad little herbs in my front room, though...that's gotta count for something.

Mike and Kristin said...

Great looking place! I'm super jealous but it will be a long time until we make the big purchase.